Nuts and Eggs

About Nuts

Most people think that nuts are really high in fats and they are completely correct. However, there are some health benefits from nuts if not eaten in excess amounts. Having a handful (about 10) is probably what you will want to consume to minimize fat intake for each day.

How are nuts healthy for you?

Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol)

Reduces your risk for developing blood clots

Improves the health of the lining of your arteries

Helps reduce the risk of heart disease

FDA only approved the heart health claim for the following nuts:





some pine nuts



These nuts contain less than 4g of saturated fats per 50g

Egg Nutrition

Eggs and a Healthy Diet:

Eggs do contain a lot of good nutrients.

One egg is about 80 calories with more than 5 grams of fat. Eating one egg each is still considered healthy, but adding about 4 more can add too much fat content. To stay healthy for eating multiple eggs try eating more egg whites rather than the yolk (yellow part). Also, did you know chickens that are fed healthier feeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids actually will lay much healthier eggs making the yolk more healthy.

Eggs are a good source of protein that helps you recover and build your muslces.

Eggs contain several important nutrients:

Choline: necessary for healthy cell membranes in your entire body, good for your mental function and memory.

Selenium: needed for a strong immune system and a very good antioxidant.

Vitamin A: healthy skin, good cell growth, helps maintain good nighttime vision.

Vitamin E: antioxidant that works with Vitamin C to prevent damage to your body from free radicals.

B Vitamins:

Riboflavin: necessary for your body to convert foods that you eat everyday into energy.

Folate: helps prevent child birth defects by decreasing homocysteine levels.

Lutein and zeaxanthin: this is found in the yolk to help prevent macular degeneration.