Essential Information

Essential Information for Sedimentary and Active Teens/Adults:

Glycemic Index (GI): low: less than 55, moderate: 55 to 70, high: more than 70

When you wake up and for most parts of the day you want to try and eat foods that have a lower glycemic index. Before a workout try and eat foods that have a moderate glycemic index and after your workout is complete try and eat foods that have a higher glycemic index. This will help balance out the energy needs that your body needs at certain times throughout the day. For example if you are going on a long walk or have a busy morning at the office a person might eat oatmeal (lower to moderate GI food) that would give them energy for hours whereas if that same person had waffles (higher GI food) it might only give them 30 minutes of energy before their body needs a new source of energy.

To find out what the glycemic index is and what types of foods are considered low, moderate and high click here.

Protein Needs: 0.8g to 1.1g for each 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of body weight

140 lbs / 2.2 lbs = 64 kg x 1.05g = 67g of protein each day

Sedimentary: 0.08g, Moderately Active: 1.2g, More Active: 1.5g, Very Active: 1.8g