

calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur

Calcium: vital for building strong bones and teeth

RDA: 1,300mg, Sources: milk, soy, dairy products, products fortified in calcium

Deficiency Symptoms: osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, tetany

Sodium: vital for maintaining fluid balance in your body

RDA: 1,500-2,300mg, Sources: eating processed and prepared foods, such as canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats and frozen foods

Deficiency Symptoms: muscle twitching, dehydration, memory loss, nausea, poor concentration, sweating

Chloride: necessary for the proper functioning of the liver, helps for maintaining fluid balance in your body

RDA: 750mg, Sources: sea salt, table salt, salt substitutes, processed foods

Deficiency Symptoms: excess vomiting, acute acid-base disorders

Sulfur: necessary for the formation of hair, nails, cartilage and tissue, needed for a healthy nervous system

RDA: 850mg, Sources: cabbage, clams, eggs, fish, garlic, legumes, meat, milk

Deficiency Symptoms: only found with a protein deficiency

Magnesium: helps muscles and nerves function, steadies the heart rhythm, keeps bones strong

RDA: 360-410mg, Sources: whole grains, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, beans, avocados, bananas, milk, chocolate

Deficiency Symptoms: anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, muscular problems, Nausea, heart arrhythmia

Phosphorus: helps form healthy bones and teeth

RDA: 1,2500mg, Sources: dairy products, meat, fish

Deficiency Symptoms: anemia, nerve disorders; respiratory problems, weakness, weight loss

Potassium: helps with muscle and nervous system function, helps the body maintain the balance of water in the blood and body tissues

RDA: 4,700mg, Sources: green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, bananas, dried fruits

Deficiency Symptoms: may lead to general muscle paralysis; metabolic disturbances


iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, selenium

Iron: helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body

RDA: 11mg, Sources: red meat, pork, fish and shellfish, poultry, soy, beans

Deficiency Symptoms: anemia –  weakness and fatigue, lightheaded, and shortness of breath

Zinc: important for normal growth, strong immune system, wound healing

RDA: 9-11mg, Sources: red meat, poultry, seafood, nuts, soy, milk, dairy products

Deficiency Symptoms: stunt child’s growth, lesions on the skin, susceptible to infections

Manganese: used with bone formation, muscle coordination, nervous system function, it is also used with Vitamin K to help promote blood clotting

RDA: 10mg, Sources: spinach, tea, wheat germ, whole grains, blackberries, blueberries, bran, brown rice

Deficiency Symptoms: it is rare, but you many experience seizures, epilepsy, poor muscle coordination, facial twitching, bone deformities

Copper: involved in the absorption and metabolism of iron, keeps your arteries flexible

RDA: 900mcg, Sources: salmon, seeds, shell fish, raisins, soy, spinach, avocado, molasses fish, legumes, lentils, liver, lobster, oats, oysters, peanuts

Deficiency Symptoms: very rare, but if you consume way to much zinc, or have excessive diarrhea it may lead to a marginal deficiency with symptoms such as anemia, skeletal defects, loss of pigment in your hair and skin, decreased resistance to infection, heart disease

Iodine: necessary to form thyroid hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism, keeps skin, hair, nails healthy

RDA: 150mcg, Sources: shrimp, lobster, milk, mushrooms, canned salmon, salted nuts and seeds

Deficiency Symptoms: thyroid enlargement, dry hair, irritability, nervousness, slow metabolism

Cobalt: works with Vitamin B12 for the functioning of enzymes and production of red blood cells

RDA: 5mcg, Sources: clams, oysters, dairy products, meats

Deficiency Symptoms: mostly found in vegetarians with a lack of Vitamin B12 that can lead to  pernicious anemia and nervous system disorders

Fluoride: essential for healthy bone and tooth formation

RDA: 2.5mg, Sources: fluoridated tap water, apples, eggs, canned salmon and sardines, tea

Deficiency Symptoms: increased dental cavities

Selenium: works with vitamin E and is involved in several enzyme systems, necessary for healthy skin, muscles and heart function

RDA: 70mcg, Sources: broccoli, brown rice, nuts, chicken, garlic, milk, mushrooms, seafood, whole grain products

Deficiency Symptoms: premature aging, muscular aches, nerve cell damage, infertility